Dye Your Duds

Time to give your well-loved but kinda-ignored clothes a refresh.

Have a tee you dig the fit of but not the color? Stained your favorite pants you can’t part with? Keep what you love out of landfills by dropping off your duds to our new group dye bath program and watch those pieces come back to life.

How it Works:

  • Drop off your clean clothing All Roads Desert Market at 55879 29 Palms Hwy, Yucca Valley, CA 92284. 

  • We’ll weigh it on-site—it's $10 per pound, rounded up to the nearest half pound.

  • Wait two weeks and pick up your duds once they’re finished.

Things to Know:

  • Clothing must be laundered before being dropped off, payment is taken at drop off.

  • Natural fibers are best for dying, synthetic fabric or content will not absorb the dye. NO WOOL!

  • We are not responsible for any uneven dyeing, stains, fibers that don’t take the dye, or any damage to the garment.

  • Some topstitching and zippers are polyester and will not dye. 

  • Shrinkage may occur as the dye process uses very hot water.

  • We recommend washing the dyed garments 2-3 times before wearing as dye transfer may occur onto skin, especially with dark colors like black or brown.



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