6 Things to Do During Modernism Week

Since Modernism Week is one of the most exciting weeks in the desert, it can be challenging to figure out which events to attend. And while the architecture home tours are cool, we love the presentations that are sprinkled throughout the week. Here are a few that are topping our to-attend list. 

6 Things to Do During Modernism Week

2/17 - Presentation by the legendary Stan Bitters at Annenberg Theater 

Stan is a Fresno-based ceramics legend. You may recognize Stan’s work from the fireplace murals at Ace Hotel in Palm Springs, his famous birdhouses sold at Heath Ceramics, or his tile curtains found hanging from roof eaves of various mid-century modern homes. A few years ago we visited Duncan Ceramics Supply in Fresno which is covered in Stan’s exterior ceramic murals. 

6 Things to Do During Modernism Week

2/22 - Book signing by photographer Chris Dibble at CAMP Theater

Chris is a Portland-based photographer who’s a good friend of ours. He will join author and interior designer Karen Nepacena signing copies of their new book.  

6 Things to Do During Modernism Week

2/22 - Palm Springs fashion with Trina Turk & Nelda Linsk at Annenberg Theater

Then head over to the Annenberg Theater to see fashion designer and Palm Springs icon Trina Turk along with Nelda Linsk, discuss the fashion and fashion shows of Palm Springs through the years.

Need a break from the hustle and bustle of the events? Here are some things to check out on your own time:

6 Things to Do During Modernism Week

Nok/Nok Cathedral City

Our friend, designer, and vintage furniture dealer, Alfonso recently opened his own showroom in the Perez Arts District in Cathedral City. In the middle of car dealerships and industrial warehouses, the Perez Art and Design district is an assuming little strip where the best furniture dealers in the low desert have their shops. Alfonso sources the most covetable pieces of furniture and home goods from around the country. 

6 Things to Do During Modernism Week

Thousand Palms Oasis

Just north of Palm Springs is the Coachella Valley preserve where huge groves of massive palm trees have thrived due to the water in this area. The preserve runs along the San Andreas fault line, and you can see and smell the minerals coming out of the ground. Truly an oasis of wonder, walking on the boardwalk through these giants transports you out of the desert for a minute. More like an easy walk than a true hike, but definitely worth the experience. 

6 Things to Do During Modernism Week

RTH Palm Springs

Clothing designer and stylist who has created his own iconic aesthetic, our friend Renė is a true visionary. The RTH look is a mash-up of preppy East Coast classics like white collared button-up shirts mixed with handmade rustic leather accessories from the southwest. Renė’s shop always inspires us. After working for the greats like Ralph Lauren and Levi’s, Renė has created his own eclectic world. In a bland beige retail world, a special shop like RTH feels exciting and refreshing. 

We get it—so much to do, so little time, but hopefully this helps you plan out what you’ll attend during this fun event-filled week in the desert!


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